
Super Bowl Homemade Pizza

Make it a fancy Super Bowl and break out your favorite wine glasses

Love some football but got to say the best part of the Super Bowl is often the food and commercials!! The food spread is serious business with the more the better, especially homemade dishes. Nothing quite screams football and the Super Bowl though more than some pizza and wings. So how about having some fun and making your own yummy Super Bowl homemade pizza this year!

Homemade Pizza Ingredients

When it comes to making a homemade pizza, the sky’s the limit when it comes to ingredients because you have free rein to make it just how you want it! It can be as plain and simple as you like or as fancy as all get out. A good place to start is with the crust. My belly prefers a gluten free route so we’ve found the most delicious box mix that never disappoints and is super easy to prepare. Next is the sauce. We normally go a traditional red pizza sauce route but have been mixing it up lately with a white sauce, and I’ve got to say it’s a game changer.

Now the toppings is where it gets really fun! You can go traditional with pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, and so on but why not step it up a notch and t try something off the beaten path?! We love a garlic cream white sauce with chicken, artichokes, mushrooms, garlic and olive oil diced tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and ricotta cheese. It makes for a bit of a mediterranean feel that is super delicious and filling!

Serve it Up Hot

As far as the pizza cooking and serving goes, plan it out and give yourself some time as the crust usually has to bake 15-20 minutes alone and then an additional 15-20 minutes with toppings at 350 degrees. Some crusts have to rise a bit before cooking so factor that time in as appropriate, too – the box mix we use doesn’t need to rise so highly suggest it. You can bake the pizza on a round pizza dish – we love our stone one – or a square baking dish will do the job just as well. Then cut and cool. Serves best with your favorite glass of vino in my opinion!

Here’s to knocking the socks off your eating crowd on Super Bowl!

Happy cooking,
