
My 2021 Focus Word: Balance

If you’ve got to balance it all, better to do it in the cutest crop sweater!

Ready to start the New Year off right? I’m a fan of fresh starts and getting excited for what’s to come during the next round of 365 days. I know it all starts with me having the right mindset and goals though. So to help achieve my goals this year I’ve decided to bring a 2021 focus word into my life…BALANCE!

Why that Focus Word?

Balance, you asked? Well it’s a big area of opportunity for me. You see I’m one of those people who often tries to be all things to all people, both professionally and personally, which can result in over stressing and occasionally feeling like a failure when something tanks. Essentially I tend to stretch myself a little too thin while also having perfectionist traits and desires on top of it…not always the best combo!

How do I plan to Achieve Balance?

So how do I plan to keep my 2021 focus word in my sights? This past year has taught me a lot, especially taking on a side gig of blogging, as it’s been a great outlet but also hard to juggle it all at times. So if I’ve learned anything it’s that I need balance for my overall health and wellbeing. Here are some actions I plan to take in order to try to maintain a healthy balance:

  1. Playing to my strengths
  2. Prioritizing and managing my time
  3. Establishing a consistent wake and sleep routine
  4. Scheduling some personal time daily
  5. Keeping set work hours and sticking to them
  6. Creating a workspace that works for me
  7. Being realistic and positive (even when things don’t go as planned)
  8. Doing more of what I love and enjoy
  9. Taking breaks and time away to recharge
  10. Surrounding myself with people who support me

What tools Do I plan to Maintain Balance?

How do I plan to maintain and achieve my goals? I think having your goals and actions written down in a place where you can see them daily is always helpful. I also think having a good planner and researching useful apps and tools to help keep you on track can be another great support, including those on habits, meditation, exercise, diet, sleep, finances, scheduling and more. Here is my 2021 planner as well as some app articles and books I have been eyeing to point me in the right direction:

  1. The Classic Happy Planner
  2. 14 Smart Apps to Improve your Work/Life Balance
  3. 16 of the Best Wellness Apps to Download as We Head into 2021
  4. Life Balance: A Life-Balance Approach to Reaching your Goals and Changing your Life
  5. Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth to Personal and Professional Satisfaction
  6. Work-Life Brilliance: Tools to Break Stress and Create the Life and Health you Crave

What’s Your Focus Word & Tools?

I would love to hear what your focus word and tools to achieve are! I definitely don’t have all the answers and always enjoy learning what works well for others. I’m hopeful a focus word will help to keep me on track and in a better mindset this year. It’s a learn and go process in finding what works for each of us and then sticking to those things that improve our happiness and wellbeing…oh and a great outfit never hurts either!

Wishing you much success in 2021,
